Ms. Ranallo would like to share the following information from IDHS:
The Illinois Department of Human Services’ Mental Health Division has launched a free-of-charge emotional support text line, Call4Calm, for Illinois residents experiencing stress and mental health issues related to COVID-19. Individuals who would like to speak with a mental health professional can text “TALK” to 5-5-2-0-2-0, or for Spanish, “HABLAR” to the same number: 5-5-2-0-2-0.
Call4Calm is free to use, and individuals will remain anonymous. Once a resident sends a text to the hotline, within 24 hours they will receive a call from a counselor employed by a local community mental health center to provide support.
Individuals can also text 5-5-2-0-2-0, with key words such as “unemployment” or “food” or “shelter” and will receive information on how navigate and access supports and services.

Calling all nerds!!!

April 3, 2020
Parents and Students,
On March 27th, the Illinois State Board of Education communicated information to all school districts pertaining to the development of Remote Learning plans. Midwest Central values all students as learners. After reviewing the details of this document, please contact your child’s principal if you have any questions.
Remote Learning Rationale
Remote Learning is designed to:
• Maximize student learning in a challenging situation.
• Promote instruction focused on Core Content
• Communicate a commitment to our high educational standards through regular and meaningful contact with each student and/or family.
• Promote independence and responsibility for our students as learners.
• Promote flexible learning in a family-friendly manner.
• Model technology use in the digital age.
Core Content
For the purposes of this document, Core Content refers to the standards that are most significant for student success in subsequent years. Core Content must be aligned to state standards. Teachers will work in collaboration to determine Core Content.
Family-Friendly Instruction
For the purposes of this document, Family-Friendly Instruction means:
• Flexible due dates.
• Flexible ways for students to work on mastering and demonstrating mastery of Core Content .
• Clear, consistent and reliable ways for students and parents to receive support from teachers.
Starting April 13 and continuing through the end of the remote learning period, Midwest Central weekly schedule will be:
• Every two weeks students will be provided learning packets to complete. The first packet pick up will be Monday, April 13th.
• Packets will need to be picked up at your student’s respective school.
• Packets will be available for pick up from 6am – Noon Monday, April 13th and Noon – 6pm on Tuesday, April 14th.
• Please return the 1st packet with completed work when you pick up the 2nd packet.
• Monday, Wednesday, and Friday meals will continue to be provided either by pick up or delivery by bus.
Student Attendance
No formal reporting of attendance is required during this time, but teachers will keep track of which students are engaged in the process and how often each student is involved, based on student responses.
Teachers will continue to grade student work that is turned in and will assign grades to work as normal.
Dr. Todd Hellrigel

Midwest Central has transitioned to a NEW website and app! It provides better access to content and enables us to keep you more informed. Download the app on Android: http://bit.ly/3005X4y or iPhone: https://apple.co/35BmKfD.

UPDATED BUS ROUTES for next week! The new schedules reflect additions and subtractions from this week's routes so that we can make deliveries and times more accurate! Phone calls are being made to inform every student/family requesting meals.

Thanks to everyone for being patient as we completed distribution of food and learning packets Wednesday!
We will continue meal deliveries/pickup using bus routes and buildings on Friday -20th, Monday - 23rd, Wednesday -25th, Friday-27th, and Monday -30th.
ROUTES: Buses were running 30-40 minutes faster than the time we distributed. Please be on the lookout for an early arrival, as we expect this trend to continue, and note the arrival time the next drop off.
PICKUP: Buildings will operate pickup from 10 AM to 12 PM (with exceptions as necessary).

Staff volunteers getting ready for deliveries today!

On specified days, students can receive MEALS and LEARNING PACKETS either by pick up at each of the buildings or by bus route. The amended bus routes (attached) reflect an adjustment for all bus routes to start at 9 AM and conclude by 1:15 PM. For MEALS, routes will run on March 18th, 20th, 23rd, 25th, 27th, & 30th, and for LEARNING PACKETS, routes will run on March 18th and 23rd (includes a pickup of completed learning). The Transportation department will be calling home to confirm times with families on March 17th.
If you are unsure about your arrangement for meals and learning packets, contact the appropriate school before NOON on Tuesday, March 17th.

Midwest Central is planning to provide meals to students during the closure. We need YOU to let us know if we should prepare meals for your student! Please complete the survey link below by NOON on MONDAY. Please share with others. https://forms.gle/ENMZg6gXfoAEYmfS6

The dance scheduled from 6 to 8 PM will continue as scheduled this evening. There will be more information to follow regarding school closure.

Tuesday is St. Patrick’s Day. Students - wear green!! In order to be counted, green must be a piece of clothing, not a small circle on a shirt.
The family with the best percentage of participation wins snack cakes for their prize!

Join our team! Opening for Primary School Principal.

The Scholastic Bowl team will travel to Edison tonight. The meet starts at 4:00 PM. Good luck Raiders!

Notice regarding an upcoming asbestos abatement project at the High School.

Tomorrow is Colon/Colorectal Awareness Day. There have been employees of our district directly affected by this!
Raider Nation - Please consider showing your support by wearing BLUE tomorrow. This would be encouraging AND help raise awareness! Thank you!

Students - Beta Club is hosting a book drive. We are collecting books that are in good condition. You can drop the book off at the library. Thanks!

The Scholastic Bowl team will travel to DeeMack for a 4:00 PM match. Good luck Raiders!

Reminder - Tomorrow, March 6th, is a 1/2 day for students.

Students - Student Council is sponsoring a Spring Fling Dance on March 13.
There will be flowers hidden and if you find one, you will receive a prize!
Remember to wear bright colors! Admission is $2.00 and the dance is 6:00-8:00 PM.
Can’t wait to see you all there!

Students - Mark your calendars!!! Student Council will be hosting a talent show on April 24th. We can't wait to see the show because we know how talented you all are!