Midwest Central Middle School is starting a NEW CROSS COUNTRY program this fall coached by Dr. Bowden! Our track and cross country coaches requested the program earlier this year and we're excited to announce that the school board has approved this new athletic program for our students.
We will also be allowing 5th graders to participate! Registration for fall athletics will begin soon. We don't yet know what the season may look like (or if we are allowed to have one) but we're going to get ready anyhow. We hope to see you out for a run!!

Once again we encourage everyone in our school district to please complete your 2020 Census. The future of our district funding and programs depends on you taking the time to fill this out. Thank you for your help!

MCHS is looking for the 2020-2021 Cheer Team! Coach Hamblin will be conducting informational zoom meetings to talk about the process. If interested, email coach hamblin at (hamblin@midwestcentral.org) to obtain zoom meeting link information for meetings on May 22nd at 4 PM or May 26th at 12 PM.

It truly was the teamwork and flexibility of the Midwest Central community that made our 8th Grade Transition ceremony memorable. Heartfelt thanks to everyone that contributed to bringing us all together during this time of isolation:
8th Grade Students and Families
Mr. and Mrs. Coile
Green Valley Police Department
Green Valley Fire Department
Forman Fire Department
Manito Police Department
Midwest Central Middle School Staff
Mr. Blair, Mr. Lazarz, and Mr. Norris
If any of these pieces had been missing, tonight would not have been as successful as it was. What an amazing team!

New 8th Grade Link https://youtu.be/5GaMw5qAJIY

We had a technical difficulty so here is the NEW link https://youtu.be/5GaMw5qAJIY

Ok 8th Graders! Tonight is your night! We have been watching the weather apps and things look much more promising than they did yesterday! The link for the live feed is the same as it was. We'll see you in Green Valley between 5:30 and 6:00! https://youtu.be/nLwOSLVakAE

Our faculty and staff are in route for our end of the school year town drive by!! We have rows of cars and smiles! Step outside and wave hello!

It was so good to see everyone yesterday at packet turn-in. Some of you asked about yearbooks while you were here. They have not arrived yet, but we will notify you when they are ready to be picked up.

Don't forget to turn in your final packet and pick up any leftover belongings tomorrow (Wednesday) from 6 to 6. Enter through the Middle School gym foyer doors. Social distancing practices are required by all parties.

FINAL MCMS PICK-UP/DROP OFF INFORMATION: Wednesday, May 13th is the last day for everyone to drop off their completed packets and library books as well as pick up any personal items that were left in the building. 8th grade also has their class T-shirts to pick up. We are extending our hours that day to 6am through 6pm.
Please enter the school at the Gym doors and follow the directions given upon entry.
Since we have nearly 200 students and most items will be set up in the gym, please be aware that there will be some waiting time while we retrieve your locker contents, etc.
We can't wait to see you!

Join our Team - 2nd Grade Teacher Vacancy

Happy National Nurses Day!
To all the nurses out there on the front line, we appreciate you!
Nurse Denise and Nurse Shyla, you ladies are top notch and we are blessed to have you as part of our Raider family!

8th Grade Parents - Clink on this link for information on the 8th Grade Transition Procession/Ceremony https://5il.co/fw9q

Hello Raiders,
We have received the following correspondence from the State Board of Education that they are releasing additional food benefits for all Midwest Central families. Since Midwest Central is a Community Eligible school every student enrolled in Midwest Central is eligible for this benefit whether they qualify for free lunches or not. In order to receive the additional benefit you must apply (information is below) unless you are currently a SNAP recipient. We have been asked to communicate this to our parents. I have also attached a flyer for more assistance.
Thank you,
Todd Hellrigel, Ed.D.
Pandemic EBT Application Available
The Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) launched the Pandemic EBT application for families on May 1 at https://abe.illinois.gov/abe/access/. P-EBT is a new special benefit that can help families buy food for their school age children who would normally receive National School Lunch Program (NSLP) free or reduced-priced meals when schools are in session. All families with school age children who attend schools approved for Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) are eligible for the benefits as they receive NSLP meals at no charge.
Families that currently receive SNAP benefits do not need to apply for P-EBT benefits. These additional P-EBT benefits will be loaded into Illinois LINK EBT accounts along with regular SNAP benefits. Families who do not currently receive SNAP benefits but do have children who receive NSLP free or reduced-priced meals will need to apply directly with IDHS. The fastest way for families to receive benefits is to complete the application for P-EBT available online (Click “Apply for Benefits” at the link.) A paper application in English and Spanish is also available and can be submitted by email to DHS.FCS.PEBT@illinois.gov. IDHS created a flyer to help families with the application process. We are asking NSLP sponsors to share this flyer with their families.
ISBE is working in partnership with IDHS to ensure that this validation is available for all NSLP sponsors, both public and non-public. Thank you to all the schools that participate in the NSLP for submitting data by the April 17 deadline. We are asking that you please continue to verify that count, so that all families who are eligible can access the additional financial support provided by P-EBT. Instructions for this crucial verification can be found online.
If NSLP sponsors need assistance with the data submission/update, please email the ISBE Nutrition Department at cnp@isbe.net. If families need technical assistance with the application, please direct them to email IDHS at DHS.FCS.PEBT@illinois.gov.
Nutrition Department, Illinois State Board of Education
100 N. First St., Springfield, IL 62777
cnp@isbe.net, www.isbe.net/nutrition

Haven't switched over to Midwest Central's new app yet? Get the most current information and notifications by downloading our updated app. For ANDROID: http://bit.ly/3005X4y or iPHONE: https://apple.co/35BmKfD.

Hello Raider Parents,
We have been diligently working on high school graduation and 8th grade transition plans for the past couple of weeks. We were trying to develop alternate plans while also staying in the guidelines of social distancing. We received approval yesterday from the Mason County Health Department to move forward with our plans, and we had planned to email out tomorrow what those plans were going to be.
However, as of last night the State Board has banned any kind of graduation ceremony except virtual (online). They have banned any in person type of ceremony including drive up or drive by ceremonies. This is incredibly disheartening for Midwest Central, our seniors, and our 8th grade students. We do not feel a virtual ceremony is appropriate to commemorate these events.
We've had this happen to us multiple times already where we've made plans only to have them taken out of our control by the State Board of Education or the Governor. Midwest Central has the desire to do something special for our seniors and 8th grade students; therefore, we're again putting high school graduation and 8th grade transition on hold until we have some better guidance. Our hope is that by waiting we'll be able to do something in June or July although we can't anticipate to what extent at this point. We realize none of this is ideal, and we're also frustrated with the Chicago machine dictating downstate plans. Unfortunately our hands are legally tied right now. As we receive more information, rest assured we'll update you on how we can honor our senior and 8th grade students. I've attached the State Board's email for your information.
I'm sorry I have to keep sending you unfortunate news. This will eventually pass, and we'll eventually go back to normal. Sunny days are ahead.
Todd Hellrigel, Ed.D.

Join our team! We have an opening for Reading Interventionist.

Join our team! We have an opening for a 1:1 Paraprofessional.

If you have not already signed up, please contact Coach Brittany at richmond@midwestcentral.org to get the link to the online meeting.